Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day-what? of the D-stuff

Okay, I have kinda been off track for a day or two. I decided to take Sunday off from decluttering and then found myself working on the laundry room and the jewelry boxes on top of my dresser. I have put us back on a more organized schedule and I have been taking myself off of junk email lists daily. One thing that has happened as I have cleared out some spaces is that the nasty dirt has been revealed. My sin room is now clutter free yet filthy upon close inspection which is now easier without all the stuff blocking the way.
SO, today...I would love to start going through the file cabinet and let go of the useless things I have kept and make room for what is necessary. I must be organized with the bills. Though right now it hardly seems important since we are so low on money that a budget is not going to matter. I want to prepare for times of prosperity now, so I will pursue a working system again.
I should also post some more stuff on Amazon and maybe Craig's list. Maybe take a look at E bay.
Lord, please help me continue to let go of the stuff that I don't need.
Thank you Jesus!

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