Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I got a new book. It is right on the money. The purchase of this new little book of mine is the final catalyst in my most desirable of habit. I desire to be free of stuff. Not entirely, I do require a minimum of comfort. I am a mother of 5 artistic, active, musically and physically inclined children and I homeschool. SO, I will always have stuff.
God has gently whispered to me of my false idol, "Stuffy" I am a pig when it comes to things. I love thrift shops and great deals and recycling crap. I am addicted to trying a create a certain persona based on appearance. I am done playing this game. I want out.
I am committed to D-Stuff everyday at least for the next 87 days including today. You see, I am also on day 3 of a 90 day fast from sugar and grains(esp wheat)I am trying a new training program known as "burst training". I will be spending less time on food and exercise-what better thing to do than to let go of some weight in my surrounding environment.
I have done all this before to some degree, but never with a time goal. I have been off and on the wagon many times. Somehow, this is different and I feel fresher. I have been praying a lot and consistantly seeking God and trying to follow the Spirit as it leads, maybe that is the difference. I have a desire to be who He created me to be and somehow all the "stuff" in my life has way too much power to define who I am. I want to have a clear path and calling, to see and hear Him, be near to Him and not spend my life feeling like a failure because my stuff doesn't measure up.
Today, I began by not checking out way too many library books, then not overspending at the Farmer's Market. I read my new book, then felt inspired to bag up all my extra workout shoes and the messages they send me. One pair reminds me that I spent money on shoes that I don't really like and another pair reminds me that they were a great deal but I don't like them either. Another pair was boasting of glory days when we used to work out so hard and long. I kept my old favorite pair and my new favorite p ir. I also threw out some great deal but beat flip flops, heels that won't stay on right and strappy black shoes that I spent 30 dollars on but never really loved.
I went through the sock drawer too, and even though there are several pairs of perfectly good socks in there, I hate them or have tired of them and don't need them, so they are going too.
I went through my vintage fur coats that I don't really want to wear again, a knock off designer coat that is not my style(a gift) a coat that a girl left at our house 4 years ago. 2 coats that a Korean exchange student left behind about 8 years ago. You see what I mean. I am committed to only keep the things I need and really love,NOW! Not things I have somehow acquired and might need someday.
Oh, how I long for an empty wall, well placed inspirational art that I have picked and to know where the thing I need is at.
I also went through the computer desk and 4 kitchen drawers. I know I won't be able to keep up this pace everyday, but here is to a roaring start.
My clothes are next. I want to narrow it down, more than I ever have before. I wonder if I could get by with the same 7 outfits?
Simplicity is what I long for.
I have a prediction.
By next week, someone will offer me hand me downs from their decluttering attempts, wait and see- some kind of Murphy's Law or something.

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