It must not go unnoticed that Jesus
triumphed over the great enemy of his soul and our salvation
through fasting.-john piper
Jesus began his ministry with fasting.
And he triumphed over his enemy through fasting. And our
salvation was accomplished through perseverance by fasting.-john piper
“[God led you in the wilderness] that He might humble you,
testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would
keep His commandments or not. And He humbled you and let
you be hungry” (Deuteronomy 8:2).
Richard Foster’s
comment in The Celebration of Discipline that “more than any
other discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us.”
Fasting is a periodic—and sometimes decisive—declaration
that we would rather feast at God’s table in the kingdom of
heaven than feed on the finest delicacies of this world. -john piper
Therefore the fight of faith and the battle to behold the
glory of the Lord day by day is fought not only by feeding the
soul on truth, but fasting, to put our appetites to the test, and
if necessary to death.-john piper
Lord, I know that I need more of You and less of me. When I read about fasting or any spiritual discipline I am overwhelmed with excitement and ready to take it on. I have learned from the past that all too often I commit to a long term fast with goo intentions and then forget what I am doing or like this last time I cave and find it too difficult-so I give up.
I am not able to fast in my own strength anymore.
Please help me and lead me and keep from the sin of lying.I know that I need to fast for the right reasons, I am in a special place as a teacher, leader and friend. I need you to speak through me, to show me how to live free of gluttony Thank you fro breaking the chains of the enemy, thank you that I do not serve sin, please lead me in all righteousness to live a life worthy of the call.
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