Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day-what? of the D-stuff

Okay, I have kinda been off track for a day or two. I decided to take Sunday off from decluttering and then found myself working on the laundry room and the jewelry boxes on top of my dresser. I have put us back on a more organized schedule and I have been taking myself off of junk email lists daily. One thing that has happened as I have cleared out some spaces is that the nasty dirt has been revealed. My sin room is now clutter free yet filthy upon close inspection which is now easier without all the stuff blocking the way.
SO, today...I would love to start going through the file cabinet and let go of the useless things I have kept and make room for what is necessary. I must be organized with the bills. Though right now it hardly seems important since we are so low on money that a budget is not going to matter. I want to prepare for times of prosperity now, so I will pursue a working system again.
I should also post some more stuff on Amazon and maybe Craig's list. Maybe take a look at E bay.
Lord, please help me continue to let go of the stuff that I don't need.
Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I can hardly believe the amount of 'stuff' I have released in the past week. Yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed in the process and couldn't see the progress. I have been pulling out everything, so my house is not it's usual bursting with clutter yet in the overall order that I keep it in. It will be this way for a while. And I have to deal with it.
I have taken so many bags to the new drop box that I found by Kohl's that I am afraid that someone is going to rush out from behind it and tell me to stop already. I have things to sell on Craig's list. Things to take to the upscale home furnishing consignment here in town called The Ivy Cottage. I have thrown out about as much as I have given away. I am returning items to friends that they lent me a long time ago. I have stuff for a yard sale and for Craig's list. I put my first item on Amazon yesterday and today I praised God because it has already sold!
Along with this stuff fling, I realize that I must be especially careful about my impulsive buying. Sunday at Church I decided to buy a book that looked sooooo good, it was $14 and though I don't have the extra money right now-I quickly over road that thought, that still small voice and bought it anyway. I realized my mistake on the way home when I remembered that I am already reading 2 books with a new one also given to me last week by a friend! I don't have time for a new book. I don't need a new book. I justified it by assuring myself that I could sell it on Amazon. After posting my first book I looked up how much my new book could sell for. $3.25
As punishment I am forcing myself to read it in its entirety as quickly as possible. I will sell it on Amazon, if only for a $1. I told my man and he promised to remind me never to impulsively buy a book again. To look on Amazon first. God remind me!
Today is a new day.
I plan to tackle my yarn. God help me.
Maybe I can sell it on E bay? maybe Amazon?
we will see.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

day 4 of D-Stuff

Oh, how I wanted to Blog for the past 2 days and even I myself find it hard to believe that I could not find the time. I barely have time to sleep it seems.
I have gone through so much stuff and made a few give away trips to the drop box and to a friend with more children than me. I have a long way to go, before I become stuff free. It is a way of life I want to adapt to. So, I must allow myself time to process, I realize that just getting rid of the physical clutter on a big spree is like a crash diet. I have done this in the past as i mentioned before.
The Truth shall set me free. I know the truth, as much as I can right now. I am getting it! Possessions have the ability to possess the possessor.I have given in to this and lived most of my life worshiping at the throne of More is better. To live with the knowledge that we as humans have a very specific short list of essentials.To act on that knowledge. I have a choice. I am not controlled by lust. I have it, I may always have it. According to the Word of God, I am able to call on Him in my time of need(all the time) and He will provide for me. I do not have to strive and struggle to obtain and yet just because something is easy to obtain doesn't mean it is for me either. With the power of the cross of Christ,I can resist evil and the list of the flesh. "My chains are gone, I've been set free"
I don't want to become a superstitious Christian who is always peeking behind every door for the enemy. Yet, I am willing to sound a bit crazy by saying that I believe in the power of stuff(small p and s) as a false god it beckons me to bow down, to place it in prominence above the importance of the Truth and relationships. It gnaws away at my roots and binds me up in a pretty little pot. For example; I am in possession of about 5 Bibles that I don't like. Why do I keep them? because I want to appear studious. In my fantasy world, the world of imagery, I am a Bible scholar who relishes spending hours in Parables and original Greek definitions. This is not who I am at this time. If the Lord should choose to make me that in the future than He will provide a way and the Study tools I need.
Well, it is Saturday and I have an opportunity to go listen to my purses and hear what they are saying to me.
I also hope to go to the consignment shop today and put some stuff up for sale.
more later.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I got a new book. It is right on the money. The purchase of this new little book of mine is the final catalyst in my most desirable of habit. I desire to be free of stuff. Not entirely, I do require a minimum of comfort. I am a mother of 5 artistic, active, musically and physically inclined children and I homeschool. SO, I will always have stuff.
God has gently whispered to me of my false idol, "Stuffy" I am a pig when it comes to things. I love thrift shops and great deals and recycling crap. I am addicted to trying a create a certain persona based on appearance. I am done playing this game. I want out.
I am committed to D-Stuff everyday at least for the next 87 days including today. You see, I am also on day 3 of a 90 day fast from sugar and grains(esp wheat)I am trying a new training program known as "burst training". I will be spending less time on food and exercise-what better thing to do than to let go of some weight in my surrounding environment.
I have done all this before to some degree, but never with a time goal. I have been off and on the wagon many times. Somehow, this is different and I feel fresher. I have been praying a lot and consistantly seeking God and trying to follow the Spirit as it leads, maybe that is the difference. I have a desire to be who He created me to be and somehow all the "stuff" in my life has way too much power to define who I am. I want to have a clear path and calling, to see and hear Him, be near to Him and not spend my life feeling like a failure because my stuff doesn't measure up.
Today, I began by not checking out way too many library books, then not overspending at the Farmer's Market. I read my new book, then felt inspired to bag up all my extra workout shoes and the messages they send me. One pair reminds me that I spent money on shoes that I don't really like and another pair reminds me that they were a great deal but I don't like them either. Another pair was boasting of glory days when we used to work out so hard and long. I kept my old favorite pair and my new favorite p ir. I also threw out some great deal but beat flip flops, heels that won't stay on right and strappy black shoes that I spent 30 dollars on but never really loved.
I went through the sock drawer too, and even though there are several pairs of perfectly good socks in there, I hate them or have tired of them and don't need them, so they are going too.
I went through my vintage fur coats that I don't really want to wear again, a knock off designer coat that is not my style(a gift) a coat that a girl left at our house 4 years ago. 2 coats that a Korean exchange student left behind about 8 years ago. You see what I mean. I am committed to only keep the things I need and really love,NOW! Not things I have somehow acquired and might need someday.
Oh, how I long for an empty wall, well placed inspirational art that I have picked and to know where the thing I need is at.
I also went through the computer desk and 4 kitchen drawers. I know I won't be able to keep up this pace everyday, but here is to a roaring start.
My clothes are next. I want to narrow it down, more than I ever have before. I wonder if I could get by with the same 7 outfits?
Simplicity is what I long for.
I have a prediction.
By next week, someone will offer me hand me downs from their decluttering attempts, wait and see- some kind of Murphy's Law or something.